The aim of our Free-Gardening is to bring together men and women who already share a common ground through a first initiatory process, allowing them to collaborate through the shared symbols found in the world of gardening. These symbols encompass anything connected to the art of gardening and its surrounding elements.

From contemporary vegetable gardening to medieval gardening, from the art of mowing to orchard cultivation, from different garden styles to mythological gardens, the Free-Gardening draws inspiration from all the resources to offer an initiatory path focused on the relationship between humans and nature. While not at the center, humanity is an integral part of this relationship and can discover symbolic teachings within it.
The Free-Gardeners are encouraged to cultivate their own garden and to define the elements they wish to develop for personal fulfillment. This teaching gradually guides initiates to perceive their surroundings in a new way. Far from being a solitary undertaking, the Free-Gardening offers a well-defined framework in which the experience with other Free-Gardeners is part of a common progression within a shared garden. This collaborative approach is designed to create a strong sense of solidarity, rooted in respect for each individual.
The path of the Free-Gardener is also turned towards the outside world, and his labour has enabled him to reap rewards, one of which is the duty to help others, to be altruistic. That is why, within his abilities, he must adopt a benevolent attitude towards society. As far as possible, the gardener should collectively support the community, as this is where the Free-Gardening can find its legitimacy in humanity. The goal of this engagement is to develop, support, or accompany projects that directly enhance quality of life. To maintain its independence, Free-Gardening remains unaffiliated with any political or religious parties and refrains from taking stances on social issues outside its scope. Its community involvement focuses solely on active participation in tangible projects that serve the common good.